Student Ad Campaigns
Students are assigned to create a billboard, point-of-purchase poster, and a magazine ad for their product /client that are completely original ideas.
Each of the compositions has a particular purpose in the campaign and must achieve their goals by different methods. Thus the billboard will
read very quickly as you pass at 65 mph, the point-of-purchase poster has to read from across the room and remain uncomplicated, and the
magazine ad must have a paragraph of text selling the product.
Sizes: Billboard 9.5 inches bt 4.75 inches @ 300 pxi / POP is 6.5 inches by 8 inches @ 300 pxi (proportions can be reversed) / magazine ad is 6.6"
by 8" @ 300 pxi
In this instance only students may use real Product Shots from the internet but the products only. they must create their own backgrounds for the products and ads.