Web Design Class Student Concepts

Student Web Design Concepts

There are two groups of Student Web Design Concepts below. The first group is from my 6th period semester class.  I n this groupd students created web sites on any subject or them they wished but they also had to follow assignment parameters mainly consisting of good navigation and site look consistency throughout.   Flash animation is in evidence either in the opening page or in the site navigation in most of these web sites. 

The second group consists of a number of web sites created by the Academy of Art and Technology Eleventh grade class.  These websites are interdisciplinary and based on themes from their Academic classes.  Each Academic teacher is responsible to assign an essay and students use these essays to build the related sections of their websites. Students use basic Flash animations to animate their history eras or poems for English class and can be found under the Focus buttons on each web site.

Click on an image to go to the  web site.



Academy of Art and Technology Eleventh Grade
Interdisciplinary Academic themed Web Sites

Click on an image to go to the  web site.