The novel The Little Drummer Girl, by John Le Carre is a book that was published in 1983. It’s a novel that thought the character ethos could see whats going on. The diction gives the novel a special setting back in time. The themes going on in the novel all refers to one big idea.
         The book takes place in Europe, particularly in Germany, where a lot of bombs have been going off, particularly of Jews. The day a certain bomb goes off, the author talks about how it was before it happened and the way nature was taking its course. It was mid-May and the day had started out glorious, with blossom and new leaves rocking together in the light breeze. The magnolia trees have just finished and their sad white petals, mostly shed, afterwards became a feature of the debris. As we can see the author shows the ethos on what happened probably hours before the bombing to the Israel Ambassador. It gives it a sort of romantic side to it, explaining specifically on nature and the season. The diction that the author uses is very direct and specific which helps to tell around what time it was written. Wording that was probably around the 80’s.
         The action takes place once the Israelite agents go on the secret mission to uncover who is bombing the Jews. There target is a Palestine man name “Kurtz,” a born urban guerrilla who has a lot of hatred towards Jews, but it was not always like that with the Palestinians and Israelis. “…The state of Israel had been under constant attack from Arab terrorism. The Israelis would not kill a single Palestinian anywhere if only they could be left in peace. Gabriel had died for one reason only; because he was a Jew.” This shows that the Israelis had begged out from this terrorism and promised that no harm would be made if only they were left alone. But an example that the terrorism still continued as Gabriel, a young boy who was caught in a bomb when it took place. No mercy was made to him because he was Jewish.
         Le Carre’s ideas further more than just diction, it shows the characters belifef of reliogion and in family. “What is it used for?” “Our struggles” “My brother has certain rules of secrecy and he obliges me to obey them scrupulously. The circle he trusts is extremely small, and he will not enlarge it.” here the characters eothos is all seen by his brothers shadow. Which is making him believe, and follow every discrete detail that his brothers commands. “killing the jews of the diaspora. As they have dispersed the people of Palestine, so we punish them in their Disapora and declare our agony to the ears and eyes of the world.” Basically stating that they were going to do is destroy there nation and wipe them out as them
out as there cruel punishment.


Wikipedia, June 17,2009

John Le Carre, The Little Drummer Girl, Hobber & Sroughton March 1983