Le Parkour is primarily considered a philosophy and includes the physial practice of traversing elements in both urban and rural settings. The goal of this discipline is to move from one point to another as quickly and efficiently as possible. Before World War I, a former naval officer Georges Herbet traveled throughout the would. During a visit to Africa, he was very impressed by the physical development and skills of the indigenous that he encountered. Their bodies were flexible, splendid, enduring resistant, nimble, and skillful. The idea and emboding unofficial motto is etre et durer (to be and to last). While Hebert's motto was pour etre utile(to be strong to be useful). To credit one single person as the founder of Parkour is fairly difficult to do since it has been around as long as humans have. Pakour that we know now came Herbet's "Natural Method". This was a way to improve the physical efficeintcy by using methods of movement such as walking, running, jumping, quadrupedal movement, climbing, balancing, lifting, fighting, and swimming. In this method of traing was to prepare Herbert's students for what he called "Moral Requirements" of life in the most holistic way possible. |
David Belle said to be the founder of parkour was introduced to the disipline by his grandfather who had seen the art done by French soldiers. Belle acompanied by a few of his friends, Sebastian Foucan, Yann Hnautra, and Laurent Piemonesti were the first to practice what is today known as parkour in the late nineteen-eighties. Belle introduced the practicing of the Natural Method in uban envoirnments to a small community of practitioners who now call themselves the Yamakasi. This comes from the language of Congo, meaning strong spirit, strong body, and endurance. Many of the peoplle who started to do parkour after them are known as the best in the world. Names like King David, Daniel Illabaca, Chase Armitage, and Tim Shief are all better know than some of the Yamakasi members. Although none of these guys are credited with the creation of parkour, they are extremely talented practitioners and all are individually creative with thier movments. |