Name: Patricia Leon Favorite Color: Blue
Birthday: September 4, 1991 Age: 16
Hobbies: Drawing, Eating, Sleeping, MMORPG/Video Games Interests: Food, Computers, Anime, MMORPG's, Fruits, Bells

Patricia is a junior from Grover Cleveland High who enjoys drawing, and videogames. She has a sadist personality who enjoys inflicting pain on close friends, whether it's physically or virtually. Patricia is rather dominant in her comfort zone, and no one bothers trying to rebut, knowing the consequences. She's rather offensive and knows her friends weaknesses, which she uses to her advantage to get simplicity, such as a bag of hot cheetos. However, this doesn't call her cold-hearted. Although she's violent and rough, people have a difficult time being frustrated at her. Her friends classify her as an adorable, small child, who can get away from many things just by being cute by muttering a cute sound or two. She's very huggable and enjoys hugs all the same.

Other than her violent persona, she's quite perky and cheerful. She enjoys living in the action. She's very hyperactive and random; she always likes to keep the mood light, enjoying the laughter as well as her friend's comfort zone. Patricia is also kind when it comes to problems, and is willing to spare a dollar or two when people need it...if she has the cash herself, that is. She's willing to offer a hand when someone needs it. Be forewarned for her sadist personality, for she may end up cornering you (as she has done before to everyone in her friendship circle, as well as acquaintances).

Amongst this, she's very spatial. She has a bi-polar way of thinking (not to mention her personality as stated above). Very criticizing of her artwork, she constantly thinks her art is terrible and marks them as failures. She only says this so she can improve and eventually say, "I'm great!" All artwork posted on this site was all created by her. Don't bother asking for a commission or a request. Chances are she won't be inspired to do it.

She has a large appetite. As her friend tells her: "Your stomach is practically a void that sucks in anything it can be put into it" Patricia doesn't deny this. She can eat up to ten full plates depending on what's being served. She dislikes vegetables and raisins, especially in meat. Whenever she's over at someone's, she has to give a heads up that she eats a lot, hence, there's a lot of food on the table (for her).

Patricia enjoys playing games, mostly RPG's, hack and slash, and few battle-on games. A few of her favorites are Heavenly Sword (PS3), Super Smash Bros. Melee (Game cube), and God of War 1 & 2 (PS2), Tales Series (Game Cube PS2, DS), etc. She doesn't limit herself to only console games. She also plays many MMORPG's, hence her large disk space. Current MMORPG's are listed below.

Her nickname on the Internet is Linear. She's had this nickname for over seven and a half years thanks to a videogame she played since she was a little girl. She was inspired and eventually, clinged onto the name. Ever since, people had eventually adapted to that name and are often heard being called Lin instead of Patricia. However, she hates being called Line. Generally she's very bi-polar.

Email: Image created by linear.cannon©2007


Rising Force Online (Novus Server): Linearis
Perfect World CN-MY (Dragon Server): Linearis
Granado Espada BR (Server 3): Leon
Lunia (Server Square 2): Linearis
Flyff (Lawolf Server): Linearis
Dream of Mirror Online (Oynx Server - Beta): Linearis
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