The first film in the franchise. Released in 1976, Rocky was a sensational hit. The movie was directed by John G. Avildsen and starred Sylvester Stallone (who also write the film) as Rocky Balboa, Burgess Meredith as Mickey, Talia Shire as Adrianna Pennino, Burt Young as Paulie, and Carl Weathers as Apollo Creed. After recieving much apraise, Rocky would go on to recieve three Oscars for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Film Editing altough it was nominated for seven others. The plot consists of an underdog boxer who was given a once in a lifetime opportunity to become the world heavyweight champion. To reach this title Rocky Balboa was to undergo intense training in a limited amount of time if he ever wants a chance to beat the current world champion, Apollo Creed. In the end Rocky ties in the ring against Apollo Creed but he wouldn't have been able to do any of it if it weren't for his support from his trainer Mickey and his girlfriend Andrian. | |
Rocky 2 was released in the summer of 1979 after the immense success of the first movie yet this time Sylvester Stallone not only writes but also directs the film. This time around Apollo Creed returns, upset with the fact that he did not offically win the fight against Rocky the first time. In the beginning of the film Rocky states that he is done with boxing and wants to life a peaceful life with his newfound wife, Adrian. Yet once things get tough economically, Rocky decideds that boxing is the only way to save them financially. Rocky holds off from re-entering the ring with Apollo due the critical condition his wife enters during childbirth. Once Andrian emerges from her "coma" she gives Rocky the motivation he needed the win the fight. After intense training, Rocky fights Apollo Creed, wins by knock-out and takes the title as world heavyweight champion.
Rocky 3 reunites the original cast for a third time. Once again Sylvester Stallone writes and directs this next installment in the franchise. In this film Rocky Balboa is living the high life as the World Heavyweight champion and he is enjoying all of the luxuries that go along with it. After deciding that he has recieved enough fame, Rocky announces that it is time for him to retire. Yet during his farewell speech, the undefeated Clubber Lang, played by Mr. T, challenges Balboa. Even though his trainer Micky refuses to train him for the fight, believing that Balboa is not ready since all of his fights were spoonfed to him since he won the title, Rocky persuades him to do so. Once the fight starts Rocky notices that Clubber Lang is no bum. Plus to make matters worse Rocky's trainer is experiencing a heart attack. Rocky looses the fight against Clubber yet in the end it only happened for the best. Rocky emerges as a stronger person and a fighter. He challenges Clubber Lang to a rematch and wins by knock out only after intense training from his rival, Apollo Creed. | |
Some would say the fourth Rocky film is the most exciting and dramatic. In this film Rocky stands in the back light until the middle of the plot. In the beginning of the film Apollo Creed is shown having a dramatic conversation with Rocky about getting older. Rocky believes that fighters eventually turn into normal people yet Apollo on the other hand believes that a fighter will always be a warrior until they die. To prove that he still has the eye of the tiger Apollo Creed decides to challenge the Russian boxer Drago to an exibition fight. Drago excepts Apollo's challenge yet once he enters the ring it is clear that things will not end well. Even though Apollo enters a dangerous situation, to tells Rocky not to end the fight, no matter what. Although he shows great courage, Apollo Creed looses his life. To get revenge Rocky challenges Drago to a fight. Since the fight will take place in Russia, Rocky takes Paulie and Apollo's trainer to go through the toughest training session of his life. Rocky and Drago enter the ring even though they both know that their life's are on the line. Rocky emerges as the victor and was even able to change the feelings of the crowd from violent to sentimental. | |
Having just fought the best fight in his life, Rocky decides that it is finally the right time to retire. Yet once he reaches home Rocky recieves some depressing news. Paulie unwisely allowed a stock broker to take a gamble with the family's money hoping that he would be able to flip it for immense profits. Yet thing turn out completely opposite. Rocky looses everything and is forced to move out of his house and sell all of his property. Luckily Paulie held on to the family's old home in Philidelphia and they return back to the old house. Out of luck, and money, Rocky decides to start working at Mickey's old training building to bring in some money. Even though many promoters begin to approach Rocky for boxing offers, Rocky refuses due to his current medical condition and Adrian's resentment for boxing. After much persuading, a new rising boxer, Tommy Gunn convinces Rocky to train him. Even though he was unsure he was making the right decision, Rocky creates a stonger relationship with Tommy Gunn then the one he has with his own son. Yet although things were perfect in the beginning, Tommy's character begins to change for the worse. Unlike Rocky, when Tommy Gunn fights he doesn't fight with his heart. With this in mind, the crowd resents Tommy Gunn even when he is winning. Tommy Gunn gets fed up with seeing Rocky Balboa's name in the limelight and wishes he got the same respect. This causes Tommy Gunn to look at Rocky as his rival and challenges him to a fight. Rocky refuses because he feels that they are like brothers. Yet once Paulie steps in and gives Tommy Gunn a piece of his mind, Tommy knocks him down. With that happenning Rocky emerges into a street fight against Tommy Gunn and wins in a knock out. With Tommy Gunn now out of his life, Rocky mends the relationship between his family and his son. | |
Thirty years after the first Rocky, Sylvester Stallone returns to reprise the famous role. After being in retirement for the last decades, Rocky begins to feel an emptiness in his life, especially after the death of his wife, Adrian. Once his name begins to be announced on television for a artificial fight against the current heavyweight champion, Rocky gets a boxing license after a convincing protest to the board of directors who were originally going to turn him down. Rocky's initial plans were to only fight in small local matches but due to the speculation created by the virtual fight, the heavyweight champion, Mason Dixon challenges Balboa to an exibition fight. Everyone even Rocky's own son begins to doubt him. Yet Rocky lets him know not to let anyone stop you from doing what you love. Rocky steps into the ring full of hope and once the fight begins, it is clear that Rocky is not is serious. The fight lasts all fifteen rounds, beyond anything anyone would have guessed and Rocky puts up a great fight. Even though Mixon Dixon wins by technical points, Rocky leaves as the true champion he has always been. "It's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward." Rocky shows the world that you are never too old to follow your dreams. | |