From writing pieces, to music, and other different art mediums, the fifties have definitely influenced and developed in different creative ways.  Today, art would not be the same without the tweaking and new art styles that have been revolutionized.  During the nineteen-fifties, movements have caused artists to react in the art they create.  Related political and social issues have also shown in different techniques.  Ideas were evolved from the conservative fifties.  The sixties have created a “fresh” new style, which is carried on to our modernized art.


One of the many different art styles is the new filming direction.  This consisted of clay cartoons, hidden images, and picture through painting and drawing. An example  of this is Gumby. Another example was Pop Art.  This was popular mass culture.  It was advertisement.  It was also used in comic books.

An important artist was Saul Bass. He was born on May 8, 1920 and died on April 26, 1996.  His art medium was directing and cinema.  He studied at the Art Student’s League.  His work became very popular and famous.  He worked with popular filmmakers and became one himself.  He designed the sixth AT&T bell system logo.  To this day, his work is still very popular.


1950’s art was really enjoyable.  It was fun to compare art today, and realize what and where it developed.  It has opened more ideas for me.  These art movements carried into today’s styles that are still popular and remembered.  Artists have opened and revolutionized history.





"Saul Bass" Wikipedia Encyclopedia


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