1950’s was a decade of international and national conflicts. After the most historic World War II, the conflict between the two parts of Korea grew more intense and led to what was known as the Korean War. But ironically, this war resulted to a new promise of success for the United States. It is the era when the Long Boom began. Different social issues also have definately made a mark in US history. Some which are the issues of nuclear proliferation and what was known to be McCarthyism. Moreover, many political figures played important and momentous roles. Two of them are President Harry Truman and General Douglas McArthur.


The Korean War was one of the most well-known battles wherein the Unites States of America became completely involved. Subsequently to World War II, the Allied forces achieved the victory and Japan lost its control over korea. Soviet troops withdrew from Korea; North Korea became an independent communist country with close ties to the Soviet Union and with Kim II Sung as its leader. South Korea on the other hand, had established an anti-communist government Syngman Rhee as president and with full support from the U.S.. Tensions and conflicts rapidly aroused between the two nations. On June 25, 1950 north korea built up a well equipped and powerful army and invaded South Korea with the desire of creating a single communist nation with an extensive military aide from the soviet union. The United Nations Security Council protested against the invasion and passed a resolution authorizing member nations to help South Korea. Several nations comprised the UN force but it was 90% troops from the U.S.. The first parts of the battles were in favor of North Korea. North Korean troops outnumbered the joint forces South Korean and the UN army with a powerful number of tanks and aircrafts from the soviets; furthermore, most American soldiers were inexperienced and unpreprared. September 1950, with orders from Douglass McArthur, the most distinguished solider in the war and the commander in chief of the UN forces, a fleet of 200 ships put the UN ashore and recaptired Seoul. UN forces crossed the borderline and entered north korea. They continued advancing toward Yalu River in China. The Chinese government warned to join the war if US troops reached Yalu China but McArthur completely and deliberately disregarded it. On November 26, Chinese launched major attacks against UN forces ad pushed them back to South Korea. Mcarthur wanted to extend the war by bombing airfields in Manchuria. President Truman didn't approve of the plan because it would provoke the Soviet Union to enter the war on Chinese side. Truman fired McArthur after challenging his authority on July 10, 1951, peace talks began.



Truman decided to raise the taxes to pay for the war in Korea and to place government controls on wages and prices to halt inflation. He announced a big increase in spending especially in military. These actions didn't become popular for the American people, rather in fact, Truman was widely criticized. In August 1950, Truman took control of the nation’s railroad. April 1952, he took over the nation’s steel mills. From 1954-1955 and after the Korean War, the country was under a brief recession. Unemployment rate was 3-5%. However, the Korean War didn’t slow down the economic growth. The recession did not last long and the rise in defense spending boosted the economy. By the late 1950’s, US government was the biggest consumer for the US' largest companies. Several companies made huge profits as they turned out war supplies. Among of these are General Electric, Boeing, and McDonnell-Douglass. Moreover, in 1955, 40,000 firms had contact with the government. The 1950’s were signified as the start of what was known to be as the Long Boom. It was one of the most prosperous decades of the United States history. It was an era of relatively low unemployment and high wages and salary. Many factory workers enjoyed middle class lifestyle and were able to acquire home and a car or two ownership, afford vacations, send their children to colleges and they managed to save for retirement. With stable work and bigger incomes, many Americans could afford cars, televisions and labor saving appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines. American workers rose from blue collar jobs to white collar jobs.



President Harriet Truman was the head of state for the early years of the 1950’s.  He devoted his presidency dealing with domestic issues and concerns, seeking solutions to many national problems.  As the cold war became chillier, containing and preventing the spread of communism all over the world was one of his main priorities.  He had shown his concerns for the people through people through his proposals which included the expansion of Social Security benefits; raising minimum wage; implementing a program to ensure stable employment trough deliberate spending and investment; public housing and slum clearance; long range environmental and public works projects; furthermore, a system of national health insurance.  Truman exhibited sympathy among all races.  He daringly asked the Congress to submit laws to protect African American’s right to vote, to abolish poll taxes and consider lynching as a federal crime.  He also subjected an executive order barring discrimination on federal employment.  Moreover, he ended segregation in the armed forces.  During the Cold War, one of his main goals was to help all whose countries that were threatened by the invasion of terrorism.  The Truman Doctrine was the perfect evidence for his intention.  The doctrine provided aid and protection to those countries against Communist aggression.  Truman totally engaged himself during the Korean War. He sent troops to support South Korea which was mostly comprised the whole UN force.  Though it would lead to deliberate and enormous spending, Truman did about everything in his measures to support and supply for the war.  He raised taxes and took over major industries of the country to meet his goals.  Though many things have been in terrible conditions, it paid off in the long run.  Rigorous spending to buy war needs gave tremendous amounts of profits for large scale corporations and different firms as well.  This boosted and led to a significant economic growth; moreover, all Americans enjoyed all of the benefits given by the Long Economic Boom. Truman’s years as president of the United States in the 1950’s, despite all challenges and many conflicts, provided great opportunities, opened doors to many positive possibilities, and gave a new hope for prosperity and success.



General Douglass MacArthur was one eminent figure during the Korean War. He already made name after his triumph in the battle of Midway Islands during the 2nd World War; and another war was about to give him a higher reputation. Sent by President Truman, McArthur was appointed to lead UN forces against Soviet backed North Korean army. His strategic plans and effective combat skills amd tactics led UN forces to a partial victory. But as he came to great prominence and success, a sense of overflowing pride and confidence became immensely evident in his personality. He ignored chinese government’s warning and continued advancing Yalu, China. Because of his arrogance, China got involved and pushed UN forces back to South Korea. As China began being completely drawn in the war MacArthur wanted to extend the war against China. He wanted to bomb Chinese airfields in Manchuria and to block its supplies by the US navy. Truman refused to approve of McArthur’s desires because he didn’t want the Sovier Union to join the war in China’s side. McArthur boldly and publicly criticized President Truman and completely challenged his authority. Truman fired MacArthur for insubcordination and to show that the president still controls the military. McArthur returned home as a hero and was welcomed with parades.



The Cold War spread all over the world and tensions and conflicts spread.  US senator Joseph McCarthy gave a controversial speech and carelessly named communist agents working in the government.  He turned the investigations into a hunt for conspiracies based on weak evidences and irrational fears.  His false and damaging accusations and unproved charges were greatly known to be McCarthyism.  This put the senator on the spotlight and his name on every headline.  Although McCarthy couldn’t support his accusations, communist spies did work at the United States.  The terror went intense when different figures were found out to be communist agents.  Alger Hiss, a former State Department Official, denied being a spy for the Soviet Union but eventually was proved to be one and was accused of perjury.  Some other figures included the Rosenberg’s.  Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, a married couple from New York, were found guilty of conspiracy to commit espionage and were executed through electric chair.  This Red Scare bore tremendous fear and mistrust among Americans.



The Soviet Union produced it’s own and more powerful H-bomb in 1948, and since then Nuclear Proliferation became a main controversy in and outside the U.S. Nuclear Proliferation was given the term given to describe the spread of nuclear weapons.  Nuclear weapons had an intense impact on the American Society.  During the 1950’s great fear towards nuclear weapons and the powerful destruction it could produce, reigned over the lives of most and almost all Americans.  The United States was completely astonished and threatened after the USSR successfully tested it’s second hydrogen bomb in 1953.  Americans saw the need to prepare for any surprise attack by the by the Soviet Union.  Schools provided special areas as bomb shelters and various bomb drills were taught to people, especially to students. The Soviet Union produced it’s own and more powerful H-bomb in 1948, and since then Nuclear Proliferation became a main controversy in and outside the U.S. Nuclear Proliferation was given the term given to describe the spread of nuclear weapons.  Nuclear weapons had an intense impact on the American Society.  During the 1950’s great fear towards nuclear weapons and the powerful destruction it could produce, reigned over the lives of most and almost all Americans.  The United States was completely astonished and threatened after the USSR successfully tested it’s second hydrogen bomb in 1953.  Americans saw the need to prepare for any surprise attack by the by the Soviet Union.  Schools provided special areas as bomb shelters and various bomb drills were taught to people, especially to students.



The 1950’s were the decade when different conflicts and issues resulted to immense fears among citizens; when a remarkable growth in economy and more comfortable lifestyle led to a new a hope of a more successful nation. Most of the major events and issues that took place in this decade were greatly influenced and resulted from the Cold War. The war in Korea wherein US was involved evidently showed how serious leaders were in protecting their own ideologies. Safety became a major concern for all Americans. McCarthyism and nuclear proliferation triggered these fears. Most worried and were totally scared of communist invasions. On the other hand, the start of the Long Boom proved that every storm is a sunrise; that after every darkness, light could be found. 1950’s is the decade that shaped the great nation of United States.




Feinstein, Stephen. The 1950's From Korean War to Elvis. Berkeley Heights. Enslow Publishes, Inc, 2000

Wills, Charles A. America in the 1950's. New York, Stonesong Press, LLC. 2006

Appleby, Joyce, Ph.D. Brinkely, Alan, Ph.D. Albert S. Brousard, Ph.D. Mcpherson, James, Ph.D. Ritchie, Donald, Ph.D. The American Vision. Columbus. McGraw Hill. 2006


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