The Unforgettable 90’s

         The last decade of the twentieth century was a decade of misery and resolution.  The bombing of the New York World trade center was a horrific event, which scared the entire nation.  Not only was the nation scared of terrorists now but also they were scared for the disease that was killing thousands of people each year which was AIDS.  Everyone felt a little safer as soon as president Bill Clinton got into office in 1993.
         In the nineties there where a couple of terrorists attacks witch scared the U.S.  some were more deadly than others.  One attack that will never be forgotten and later on in history will repeat itself was the attack on the World Trade Center in 1993. On February 26, 1993, a man named Ramzi Yousef drove a van into the north tower parking lot intending to knock down the north tower into the south tower killing thousands of people but that didn’t happen. Although only six people died 1,042 where seriously injured.
         Other than the terrorist attacks there was something else going on, something that was killing thousands of people every year. AIDS was a major problem in the early 90’s. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) was spreading faster than ever. It was mostly affecting black and Hispanic woman. Once you where infected with this debilitating HIV virus there was nothing people can do. To this day there are no medications for this virus. There was only one thing that made people feel a little better which was the President.
         When Bill Clinton came into office everyone knew things were going to get better. In 1993 president Bill Clinton passed his economic plan. What this meant was good news for the entire economy.  It would make interests rates lower, lower federal deficits, and it would also include the largest tax increase in history. This plan would help him create the largest deficit reduction in history.  The most important thing was that he created six million new jobs in his first two years in office.  Later into his term Clinton was impeached on December 19, 1998. He was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice. There were only five democrats who voted against him. Fifty-five senators voted not guilty and forty-five voted guilty on the perjury charge. The obstruction of justice charge votes where the same fifty voted guilty and fifty voted not guilty which allowed him to end his
Second term. He became the second president to be impeached.
         The 1990s was a decade of tragedy and resolution. Although the explosion of the World Trade Center was a tragedy it brought America together as a nation. AIDS caused for many to die but made many aware and helped them be responsible while they have sexual intercourse, because a minute of pleasure can cause a lifetime full of pain. Although Clinton was impeached he made a difference in America. In the end this decade was truly a decade of tragedy and resolution. This period of history changed America.


"Bill Clinton" Wikipedia

"Oklahoma City bombing" Wikipedia


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